It's one of the most exhausting, challenging, and most FUN events of the entire season, cheer camp!!
If your team is going to camp, but you're not sure what to expect or what to bring with you, we've got you covered! We've included a comprehensive checklist that you can use to be fully prepared. Just click on the list to download the file!
First of all, we recommend separating your daily outfits in your checklist so you don't forget anything and you're prepared for each day individually. Obviously, we can't fill in the type of shirt and socks or color of shorts and bow, but I've left a space for you to fill in which one you need to wear each day.
This list should help you be prepared for all aspects of cheer camp so you can stress less and enjoy the experience more. Are there items that we didn't list that you always bring to camp? If so, please share!
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