When you have a group of spirited cheerleaders it is easy to lose control. Fortunately, in most cases, the cheerleaders want to do well and be respected for their hard work. Therefore, if you have a strong discipline system in place from the beginning it will help keep everyone focused and avoid constant redirection. I want each cheerleader to love what they are doing and that includes enjoying their time at practice. However, if you're constantly redirecting a cheerleader due to behavior and lack of focus, it becomes a distraction to the entire team. It's unfair to everyone to not have a discipline policy in place. Over the years I've tried many different disciplinary actions, but I've found one system to be rock solid (with a little modification for each team's individual needs.) It's called the "three strikes and you're out" system. Original, right? Maybe not, but it works. Here's the idea... Strike One: Drop and give me 10! Okay,